The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released its Privacy & Data Security Update: 2017. The report is organized by major privacy enforcement actions in 2017, data security enforcement in 2017, and other topics of significant concern such as fair credit reporting, children’s online privacy and do not call. Apart from the Lenovo, Uber, and D-Link…
Category: Govt
IRS Succeeds in Compelling Crypto Exchange to Disclose User Information
Laura Jehl and Stephanie Malaska write about the IRS Coinbase case. If you didn’t follow it or understand its implications, their article may help you get quickly up to speed. Here’s a snippet: ….. A recent decision by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on these actions has brought issues of…
New DHS policy on demands for passwords to travelers’ electronic devices
One of my go-to sites for information on travelling, surveillance, and dealing with Customs & Border Patrol or TSA issues is Papers, Please! I wish to heck they had posted some good news for us, but it sounds like things have continued to get worse instead of better: But the new CBP policy stretches the government’s…
Aadhaar details available for Rs 500? UIDAI says ‘no data breach’
For years, I have posted analyses and critiques of India’s Aadhaar identification system. In recent years the reports of breaches involving the data have increased somewhat, but each time the government has either denied or down-played the significance of any incident. There’s been another one, it seems. So when I saw a rash of media…