David Balto reports: The unique American right to privacy – the Constitutional right to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects” birthed as a direct response to the British crown’s unfettered “general warrant” rights to search colonial homes is so fundamental today that nary a politician will seek to question it. The same…
Category: Govt
FTC Approves Final Order in Practice Fusion Privacy Case
After a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has approved a final order resolving the Commission’s complaint against Practice Fusion. In its complaint, the FTC charged that Practice Fusion misled consumers by soliciting reviews for doctors in connection with an online healthcare satisfaction survey, without disclosing adequately that these reviews would be publicly posted on the…
Australian Authorities Hacked Computers in the US
Joseph Cox reports: Australian authorities hacked Tor users in the US as part of a child pornography investigation, Motherboard has learned. The contours of this previously-unreported hacking operation have come to light through recently-filed US court documents. The case highlights how law enforcement around the world are increasingly pursuing targets overseas using hacking tools, raising…
We Shouldn’t Wait Another Fifteen Years for a Conversation About Government Hacking
Nate Cardozo and Andrew Crocker write: With high-profile hacks in the headlines and government officials trying to reopen a long-settled debate about encryption, information security has become a mainstream issue. But we feel that one element of digital security hasn’t received enough critical attention: the role of government in acquiring and exploiting vulnerabilities and hacking…