John Riberio reports: A Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill that was passed by the Senate on Wednesday excludes key privacy provisions, including a requirement that commercial and government users of drones disclose whether they collect personally identifiable information. The bill, which is a compromise short-term extension to ensure continued funding at current levels to the…
Category: Govt
Privacy isn’t being protected by Congress
By The Editorial Board, The San Gabriel Valley Tribune: Our privacy rights are under continual assault as governments at all levels routinely violate Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights to be free from illegal searches and seizures. This is the case whether it’s the National Security Agency hoovering up our telephone call data and various other electronic…
AU: Political Databases: where privacy goes to die
Julian Bajkowski reports: Every working day across Australia, a familiar scene is repeated in state and federal Electoral Commission offices that goes to the very heart of privacy, democracy and data in Australia. Seated at secure, stand-alone computer terminals, private investigators using just a pen and paper meticulously check the nation’s electoral rolls for details…
D.C. Councilmember Wants More Data on LGBTQ Residents’ Health
Washington City Paper reports: Under new legislation proposed today, D.C. officials could get more information on disparities in queer residents’ health. At-Large Councilmember David Grosso proposed a bill that would require the District’s Department of Health to collect data on sexual orientation and gender identify as part of DOH’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, which is conducted by…