Harrison Weber reports: The National Security Agency and the FBI teamed up in October 2010 to develop techniques for turning Facebook into a surveillance tool. Documents released alongside security journalist Glenn Greenwald’s new book, “No Place To Hide,” reveal the NSA and FBI partnership, in which the two agencies developed techniques for exploiting Facebook chats, capturing private…
Category: Govt
Everyone should know just how much the government lied to defend the NSA
Trevor Timm writes: If you blinked this week, you might have missed the news: two Senators accused the Justice Department of lying about NSA warrantless surveillance to the US supreme court last year, and those falsehoods all but ensured that mass spying on Americans would continue. But hardly anyone seems to care – least of all…
Commentary: We need a congressional inquiry into the MCCCD breach
President Truman had a sign on his desk that said, “The buck stops here.” We could use more of that accountability when it comes to data breaches in the education sector. Back in 2006, when I first began blogging about data breaches on PogoWasRight.org, I covered a series of breaches at Ohio University. One of the things that…
Utah didn’t mean to, but complies with REAL ID Act
Lee Davidson reports: A rebellious Utah Legislature four years ago prohibited state officials from complying with the federal REAL ID Act — worrying, as the sponsor of the ban said, that it could lead to a national ID card and “all sorts of tyranny.” But a new study says despite that ban, Utah has taken…