I’ve recently posted a few lawsuits out of Minnesota concerning improper access to the state’s driver’s license database. One of them involved a police officer whose colleagues improperly accessed her records on numerous occasions. Now there’s also a case in Florida, where law enforcement personnel improperly accessed a fellow officer’s records – but not just…
Category: Govt
Oliver Stone to RT: ‘US has become an Orwellian state’
I don’t subscribe to Showtime, so I missed the first episodes of director Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick’s series, “The Untold History of the United States,” but it looks like you can view some of the full episodes online, free. Reader and link contributor extraordinaire Joe Cadillic sends in this link to an interview…
The latest from “DHS Insider”
Doug Hagman writes: Introduction: After a lengthy, self-imposed informational black-out, my high-level DHS contact known as “Rosebud” emerged with new, non-public information about plans being discussed and prepared for implementation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the near future. It is important to note that this black-out was directly related to the aggressive federal…
A Few Senators Take a Stand for Civil Liberties Ahead of Surveillance Law Reauthorization
Today was probably a day of my life wasted, watching C-SPAN, hoping against hope that the Senate might find its cajones and pass amendments to the FISA Authorization Act renewal bill. Instead I got to watch Senator Feinstein object to every amendment on her own behalf and the administration’s behalf while she kept reiterating that…