Saw this oversight hearing posted on the schedule for the House Judiciary Committee: Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Friday, December 3 at 10:00 a.m. 2141 Rayburn House Office Building Hearing on: Civil Liberties and National Security By Direction of the Chairman The Witness List hasn’t been posted yet, nor any documentation….
Category: Govt
MUST READ: DHS & TSA: Making a list, checking it twice
I have no way of verifying the accuracy of this column by Doug Hagmann, but think it’s so troubling that it needs to be shared in case the memo is exactly as he summarizes it: Following the publication of my article titled “Gate Rape of America,” I was contacted by a source within the DHS…
New Report on US Department of Commerce Privacy Track Record
The World Privacy Forum published a new report today that evaluates the US Department of Commerce’s work on privacy protection for consumers, given its role overseeing such critical programs as the US/EU Safe Harbor data agreement. The report, The US Department of Commerce and International Privacy Activities: Indifference and Neglect, identifies a number of issues of…
GAO Report on Airport Security — (Senate – September 29, 2010)
From the Congressional Record for September 29, 2010: Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, on January 8 of this year, I requested the Government Accountability Office to conduct followup tests of our Nation’s airport security screening procedures. Investigators attempted to smuggle bomb-making materials past security checkpoints in a number of airports around the country. This is something…