Stephanie Clifford writes: Two top Federal Trade Commission officials questioned whether the Internet had evolved past privacy policies, at a meeting with editors and reporters of The New York Times today. The chairman of the F.T.C., Jon Leibowitz, and David Vladeck, chief of the commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, stopped by for an on-the-record chat…
Category: Govt
FTC Approves Two Reports to Congress on the National Do Not Call Registry
The Federal Trade Commission, as required by The Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007, has approved two reports to Congress: a biennial report focusing on the use of the Do Not Call Registry by both consumers and businesses, as well as the impact that new technologies have had on the Registry, and a one-time…
The backfiring of the surveillance state
Glenn Greenwald writes: Every debate over expanded government surveillance power is invariably framed as one of “security v. privacy and civil liberties” — as though it’s a given that increasing the Government’s surveillance authorities will “make us safer.” But it has long been clear that the opposite is true. As numerous experts (such as Rep. Rush…
FTC Seeks Public Comment on Program to Keep Web Site Operators in Compliance With the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule
The Federal Trade Commission is seeking public comment on proposed guidelines that are designed to help Web site operators comply with the FTC’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule. The proposed guidelines were submitted to the FTC by a non-profit organization known as iSAFE, Inc. under a provision aimed at industry self-regulation. This provision allows non-profit…