Two public forums have been scheduled to collect views on the proposals to amend the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The first will be held 7pm September 18 at the Youth Square Auditorium in Chai Wan. The second will be held at the same time October 30 at Tsuen Wan Town Hall. Both will be conducted in Cantonese but…
Category: Govt
Rockefeller’s Office Responds to Cyber Terrorism Bill
Last week, this site picked up a story by Declan McCullagh of Cnet that indicated that a bill by Senator Jay Rockefeller would give the president the authority to seize control of privacy networks during a cybersecurity emergency. Senator Rockefeller has issued a statement, indicating that the Cnet story was inaccurate. Tony Rutherford of…
DHS: All your laptops are belong to us
As a follow-up to the position of the Department of Homeland Security on searching laptops at the border (reported here last week), Jaikumar Vijayan of Computerworld reports: The Department of Homeland Security’s Privacy Office has approved the controversial searches, copying and retention of laptops, PDAs, and other digital devices without cause at U.S. borders. Travelers…
The problem with polygraph testing
Arif Bulkan reports on the use of polygraph testing in Guyana: In the midst of all the gripping revelations coming out of a Brooklyn courtroom alleging corruption at the highest levels of the government of Guyana, another drama involving corruption has been unfolding locally. However, this one involves a few far down on the totem…