J.D. Tuccille writes: From cellphone tracking to drone eyes in the sky, perused health records, and GPS ankle bracelets, an epidemic of surveillance-state measures is spreading across the world. It’s all done in the name of battling the spread of COVID-19, of course, since every crisis is used to justify incursions into our liberty. But…
Category: Healthcare
White House Uses COVID-19 As A Reason To Create A Real-Time National Coronavirus Surveillance System
Joe Cadillic writes: When is enough, enough? How many national surveillance systems does America need? President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has created a task force that wants to create a real-time national coronavirus surveillance system. An article in Politico.com revealed how the national coronavirus surveillance system would allow federal authorities to see why someone is visiting their doctor and…
A flush too far? Smart toilet lifts the lid on medical privacy concerns
Sonia Elks reports: A smart toilet could offer a mini health check every time you take a seat, scientists said on Tuesday, but privacy campaigners and potential users said the idea sat uncomfortably with them. The device would identify users through an anal scan using a camera tucked under the seat before checking their waste…
Leveraging Location Data to Fight COVID-19 – How the U.S. Compares to the Rest of the World
Daniel Felz, Amy Mushahwar, David Keating, James Harvey and Kimberly Peretti of Alston & Bird write: Governments are increasingly seeking to leverage consumer geolocation data collected by industry as a tool to assist with fighting the spread of COVID-19. Location data can be of significant value to public health models trying to understand the efficacy…