Ronny Linder reports: Apart from natural gas, Israel doesn’t have a lot of natural resources: no oil, no gold, no iron ore and no magnesium. But it does have one resource that has become the gold of the 21st century: information – in particular, the kind that is both especially valuable but especially sensitive –…
Category: Healthcare
Wisconsin at center of looming federal battle over health records
Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council, writes: On one side are regulators hoping to foster easier exchange of health data, some patient advocates and some researchers and healthcare app developers. On the other side are major health records firms such as Verona-based Epic, the American Medical Association, some healthcare systems, people worried about…
How Fast Can A New Internet Standard For Sharing Patient Data Catch Fire?
Janet Rae-Dupree January 22, 2020 Medical professionals have been storing personal health information in electronic form for more than a decade, but it is cumbersome for patients to gather disparate computer and paper records scattered across doctors’ offices, hospitals and medical labs. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could view your full medical history with…
Will Minnesota Lawmakers Let Google Have Patient Medical Records?
The following is a press release from the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom: ST. PAUL, Minn. — Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is calling on Minnesota legislators to hold their ground and defend the Minnesota Health Records Act (MHRA) from large data corporations, health industry giants, and government entities that want it repealed. The MHRA is the nation’s strongest…