From the sorry-mom-but-your-kid-has-rights-too dept: Dave Urbanski reports: An Oklahoma mother is outraged after she said her 16-year-old daughter got a birth-control implant in her arm from a Tulsa clinic during a trip there arranged by her daughter’s school. “Had I known that this field trip was for her to get that done, I would not…
Category: Healthcare
Data security in medical studies: IT researchers break anonymity of gene databases
Saarland University issued the following press release today: “Ever since American scientists successfully attacked a study in 2008, where just parts of the DNA were enough to identify participants, researchers have been debating if, and in what detail, we should be permitted to publish gene data,” says Michael Backes, who is professor for Cryptography and…
Why a Hawaii Woman Sent a Cease-and-Desist Letter to an Anti-Abortion Clinic
Nicole Knight reports: A young woman visited a crisis pregnancy center thinking she’d get medical care at a clinic that would safeguard her privacy. She didn’t know her personal information would be used against her. When Morgen Trube was 20, she thought she was pregnant. So Trube, then a sophomore at Hawaii Pacific University, Googled “free…
JP: 40% of genetic test firms gone, missing, but where are the data?
The Yomiuri Shimbun reports: Of 87 companies in Japan confirmed by the government to be engaged in genetic testing services in fiscal 2012, a total of 29 had stopped operating, mainly due to bankruptcy, as of January this year, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned. With the situation of 10 other companies unknown, concerns have emerged…