Dystopia is in the eye of the beholder? Katherine Hamilton reports: Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which if passed by the Senate and signed into law would fund a federal vaccination database. According to the bill, also called H. R. 550, the government would provide $400 million in taxpayer…
Category: Healthcare
UK: Vaccination passport app shares personal data of users with Amazon and Royal Mail
John Ferguson reports: The Scottish Government ’s controversial vaccination passport shares the personal data of users with a host of private firms, the Sunday Mail can reveal. Proof of inoculation is now required by law to get into football grounds or nightclubs north of the border, despite plans for a scheme having been scrapped in England. We have learned…
AMA calls for privacy guidelines governing mail-order DNA tests
November 16, CHICAGO — Taking a cheek swab and sending it to a mail-order DNA testing company takes only a few minutes, but the information might live on forever—and become widely available. At its Interim Special meeting, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates expressed concern that the privacy laws governing genetic information do…
Is there a constitutional right to privacy in HIV status?
One of the cert petitions before the Supreme Court this week, via Andrew Hamm on ScotusBlog: Payne v. Taslimi involves an inmate’s claim to a constitutional right to privacy in his HIV status. When inmate Christopher Payne was at his bed in an open dorm, Dr. Jalal Taslimi told Payne that he had not taken his…