Ciara Cummings reports: Going to the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles and getting your picture taken is expected, but the agency is also keeping that photo in a facial recognition system. According to the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS), it does so to help law enforcement in cases of specific violent crimes. However, some state lawmakers were…
Category: Laws
Happy New Year 2024
I found myself hard-pressed this year to figure out what to say about privacy in 2024. Of course, I wish you all a happy and healthy new year, but what do we say about privacy in 2024? Have we all become so accustomed to privacy breaches and data breaches by now that we will just…
With car privacy concerns rising, automakers may be on road to regulation
Suzanne Smalley reports: This is the third and final part in a series on automobile privacy. Read part 1 and part 2 here. Faye Francy decided to buy a used car from a dealer a few hours from her house. After writing a check and signing the paperwork, she synced her phone to the infotainment center so she could…
Every Major Pharmacy Chain Is Giving The Government Warrantless Access To Medical Records
Tim Cushing writes: The Fourth Amendment is rarely a match for the Third Party Doctrine. In recent years, things have gotten a wee bit better thanks to a couple of Supreme Court rulings. But the operative principle still overrides: whatever we share (voluntarily or not) with private companies can often be obtained without a warrant. That’s why bills have…