Laura Brookover writes: Lawmakers in Maryland and Illinois have introduced bills that would prohibit employers from requiring job applicants or employees to grant access to their social networking accounts. The bills arose from reports that employers have impliedly or explicitly required access to social networking accounts as a condition of hiring or employment. A few bills have been proposed…
Category: Laws
PA: After female ultrasound bill, State Sen. Farnese wants ‘invasive tests’ for men as well
Amy Worden reports: State Sen. Larry Farnese wants to ensure that government-mandated physical exams are an equal opportunity invader of privacy. Farnese (D., Phila.) says he plans to introduce a bill next week requiring men combating erectile dysfunction (ED) to undergo similar tests. […] Farnese’s legislation would require male patients to: Be given a full…
Hawaii Senate Passes Travelers ‘Bill of Rights’ Resolution Aimed at Curbing TSA Abuse
After a series of abuses by TSA officials across the county, Hawaii Senators on the Transportation and Public Safety/Military Affairs committees, unanimously passed a “Travelers Bill of Rights” on Monday, March 19. Based on Congressman Ron Paul’s federal proposal, Senate Concurrent Resolution 15, authored by Minority Leader Sam Slom, R-Hawaii, urges the congress to rein…
FL: Drug-testing law on hold, headed for federal court
Bill Cotterell reports: A new law allowing state agencies to order random drug testing for their employees is on hold, while constitutional issues are argued in court. Gov. Rick Scott signed the drug-testing law on Monday. The American Civil Liberties Union called it unconstitutional Tuesday. And a labor union representing tens of thousands of state…