Report Part 1 – Australian Privacy Principles 15 June 2011 h/t, Daragh O’Brien
Category: Laws
TX: Juvenile records bill draws support, ire
More on The Teacher Protection Act law in Texas that would allow teachers to access students’ criminal records. The governor has yet to sign the bill. Yann Ranaivo reports: State lawmakers passed legislation last month that would give teachers detailed information about their students’ criminal histories by opening previously confidential juvenile files. Texas affords its…
Congresswoman Bono Mack’s data breach bill to be taken up in Congress Wednesday
Discussion Draft of H.R. ___, a bill to require greater protection for sensitive consumer data and timely notification in case of breach June 15, 2011 The start time for the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building has been changed. The…
Court: Ohio did not violate federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act
Associated Press reports: A federal appeals panel has ruled that Ohio officials did not violate federal privacy laws in disclosing personal information from drivers’ records. The ruling reversed a lower court decision and ordered dismissal of a 2009 lawsuit filed against Ohio’s public safety and motor vehicle agencies by three Cincinnati residents. They say records…