Stephen Treglia writes: The past 12 months have seen an unprecedented shift in the law as it pertains to electronic communications. What makes this recent evolution particularly dramatic are the scope of the shift, the fact that the shift has affected multiple levels of e-communications and that each level of the evolution has headed in…
Category: Laws
Comments of the World Privacy Forum Regarding the U.S. Department of Education Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
… In general, we find the Department’s proposed changes to FERPA troubling on a number ofgrounds. Most significantly, we believe that the Department does not have the legal authority tomake all of the changes to the privacy requirements in FERPA that it proposes. We also havestrong concerns that the increased sharing of student information that the…
Conservative group accuses Education Dept of invading students’ privacy with new FERPA rules
Matthew Boyle reports: A conservative non-profit is raising privacy concerns over a Department of Education (DoED) rule change that will allow for “personally identifiable information” about students to be shared with other government departments. Personally identifiable information that could potentially be shared includes hair color, blood type, family health history and students’ grades and other…
Rep. Graves questions Obama’s autopen signing of Patriot Act extension
Daniel Strauss reports: Rep. Tom Graves (R-Ga.) is questioning President Obama’s use of an autopen in signing an extension of the Patriot Act. In a letter Friday, Graves asks Obama to confirm that he saw the law prior to its autopen signing. Read more on The Hill.