An urgent action alert from the good folks at EFF: Tell your Congressperson to vote NO to the PATRIOT Act in tomorrow’s vote! The PATRIOT reauthorization bill being fast-tracked to the House floor contains NO reforms to the law, and will be voted upon with NO debate and NO opportunity for amendments to add oversight…
Category: Laws
Govt defers Data Protection Bill
Shaliza Hassanali reports: Opposition members prevailed on the Government on Friday to suspend consideration of the Data Protection Bill, claiming there were too many flaws. The suspension came at committee stage in Parliament, as both sides sought to amend the bill’s clauses which seek to provide protection of individuals’ privacy. During his contribution to the…
CO: Critics say it is time for informed consent law to be fully implemented
Joseph Boven reports: The Colorado Progressive Coalition and other groups said last week that it is time for the state to step up implementation of an informed consent law enacted last year. The law says officers must inform an individual that they may refuse a police search before the officers can ask to conduct one. The…
AU: Employers to be banned from monitoring staff’s email, Facebook and internet use
Renee Viellaris reports: Sneaky bosses who spy on personal emails are facing D-Day as state and federal politicians move to protect workers’ privacy. Queensland Attorney-General Cameron Dick said it was time to safeguard workers who unknowingly had their emails read and internet use monitored by unreasonable bosses. Companies are also monitoring social network sites and…