Starting tomorrow, if you’re arrested for certain misdemeanors in North Carolina, you may have to provide your DNA. Yes, you read that right. Misdemeanors. Arrest (not conviction). DNA. Marissa Jasek of WWAY3 reports: Beginning tomorrow, law enforcement in North Carolina can collect DNA from suspects in certain violent felony and misdemeanor arrests. Opponents say it…
Category: Laws
Congress Has The Sense It Should Enact A Comprehensive Data Security Law
Joseph Lazzarotti writes: Together with some other U.S. Senators who have offered data security laws in recent years, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced S.21 on January 25. The bill, a “sense of Congress” bill, urges the passage of a comprehensive law to address cybersecurity, without making any changes to current law. This bill is important in that it…
Numerous Groups Submit Comments to Commerce Department on Privacy
Melissa Ngo writes: Numerous groups have filed comments in response to the Commerce Department’s December release of and request for comments on a green paper (Commerce pdf here; archive pdf here) on privacy, “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.” In it, the agency included a proposal for a Privacy Protection Office…
Japan to have national ID system by 2015
Hiroshi Arimitsu of Yomiuri Shimbun reports: The government has announced plans for a comprehensive identification system to be implemented in 2015. The state has high hopes for the program, including improving social services and achieving equity in tax burdens, although privacy issues are a looming concern. A government panel headed by Prime Minister Naoto Kan…