The European Data Protection Supervisor, Peter Hustinx, has issued an opinion in response to the Commission’s Communication of November 4, 2010 regarding the Review of the Data Protection Legal Framework . The EDPS agrees with the Commission that a review of the present legal framework for data protection in the EU is necessary in order to ensure effective protection…
Category: Laws
Homeland Security’s laptop seizures: Interview with Rep. Sanchez
Glenn Greenwald writes about the deplorable conduct of our govt just searching and seizing citizens’ electronics at the border even when there is no reasonable suspicion: When you really think about it, it’s simply inconceivable that the U.S. Government gets away with doing this. Seizing someone’s laptop, digging through it, recording it all, storing the…
Investigating and Preventing Criminal Electronic Communications Act bill one step closer to (warrantless) surveillance state
David T.S. Fraser writes: Want to know one reason why the Canadian government’s proposed Bill C-52, referred to as the Investigating and Preventing Criminal Electronic Communications Act, is so horrible? Just look at what recently happened in Belarus. According to Boing Boing (Report: Belarusian mobile operators gave police list of demonstrators – Boing Boing), mobile operators…
Stearns Plans to Introduce Privacy Bill
Juliana Gruenwald reports: Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., plans to pick up where he and former Rep.Rick Boucher, D-Va., left off in the last Congress in trying to craft an online privacy bill. Stearns is reworking the draft bill he helped develop with Boucher, who was defeated in November, to address concerns raised about the measure…