David Navaretta writes: Congressman Bobby Rush has introduced a new data privacy bill to Congress known as the “Building Effective Strategies to Promote Responsibility Accountability Choice Transparency Innovation Consumer Expectations and Safeguards” Act (a.k.a. “BEST PRACTICES Act” or “Act”). Congressman Rush has been active in the data security/privacy legislation space. In December of 2009, his…
Category: Laws
More reactions to “Best Practices Act”
The Federal Trade Commission today testified about FTC efforts to protect consumer privacy and commented on legislative proposals to improve privacy protections before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The testimony presented by David Vladeck, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, described…
Privacy Bill Contention Evident at House Hearing
Kate Kaye reports: At a House subcommittee hearing today, business and consumer groups discussed two privacy bills, revealing key areas of contention that could significantly affect online advertisers. Among the sticking points: FTC rulemaking authority, the ability for private individuals to sue alleged violators, data sharing, and safe harbor for corporations. Both pro-business witnesses and…
New “reform” law destroys financial privacy
Bob Barr writes: Hallelujia! We’ll now have another “Reform!” law — this one designed to “reform” our “financial services” industry to prevent any further meltdowns such as that which struck in 2008 and continues to cripple segments of our economy two years later. The president himself could hardly contain his hyperbole in describing the legislation…