Michael Virtanen reports for the AP: Gov. David Paterson has proposed roughly doubling New York’s DNA database to include samples from even low-level offenders, making it the first in the nation to so broadly collect and use this evidence to solve crimes and exonerate people wrongly convicted. New York’s law would require adding about 48,000…
Category: Laws
In: New law to protect individual privacy
Sahil Makkar and Surabhi Agarwal, with Manish Ranjan, report: Amid growing concerns over the potential misuse of personal data, the government is moving to enact India’s first law to safeguard privacy, a move aimed at least partly at deflecting worries over the immense amount of data it proposes to collect about its citizens. The United…
No DUI Blood Tests Without a Warrant in Arizona
Dave Sheffield writes: About a week ago, the Supreme Court of Arizona issued its decision in the case of Carrillo v. Houser, No. CV-09-0285-PR (Ariz. 2010), which presented a dispute about Arizona’s implied consent law. The State contended that the consent that the law implied extended to a warrantless chemical alcohol test unless the person…
Increased PATRIOT Act Oversight is Welcome News for Reader Privacy Advocates
The Campaign for Reader Privacy, which has been fighting to restore privacy safeguards for library and bookstore records that were stripped away by the Patriot Act, warmly welcomed an announcement by the Inspector General (IG) of the Justice Department that he plans to begin a new investigation into how the government is using Patriot Act…