Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière is reportedly planning to introduce sweeping new measures to protect the personal data of internet users. “A broad approach that includes the entire internet, and isn’t confined to single aspects such as geotagging or Google Street View, is necessary,” the conservative Christian Democratic politician wrote in report cited by daily…
Category: Non-U.S.
Jp: Man kills himself during live internet broadcast
CNN reports: A 24-year-old man committed suicide live on the internet, Japanese police said Friday. Some online chat forum users egged on the man after he posted that he was considering suicide, local media reported. Some chatters urged him not to, while others said he was lying, local media said. The man started live-streaming his…
AU: Govt stays ISP zombie laws
Darren Pauli reports: A peak Australian technology body has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to not force internet service providers (ISPs) to disconnect the infected computers of its customers as part of its response to a Senate committee report into online security threats. The Internet Industry Association (IIA) said moves to force ISPs to take…
The new constitution of Kenya – An analysis by Christopher Ram
An analysis of the new constitution in Kenya contains some background on the country’s recent history and the challenges the country faces. Of special interest to readers of this blog is this section of the commentary/analysis: Chapter 4 contains forty-one Articles and includes a Bill of Rights that guarantees enjoyment of the rights and fundamental…