Michael Duffy reports: NSW’s Shoalhaven City Council has spent more than $25,000 in a legal battle with a man who wants it to remove 18 security cameras from Nowra’s central business district. Former resident Adam Bonner took the matter to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal last week. Mr Bonner opposes closed-circuit TV in public places because…
Category: Non-U.S.
AU: Privacy revisions present risk for offshore clouds
Brett Winterford reports: Changes to privacy legislation under consideration by the Federal Government should pose serious concerns for businesses embracing cloud computing, according to a leading intellectual property lawyer. A revised Privacy Principle 8, released in an exposure draft [PDF] [see page 17] in June 2010, creates new requirements for organisations outsourcing data that identifies Australian citizens to offshore data…
Binyam Mohammed, Van Morrison and Ruth Hickey – three unsuccessful privacy claims
Inforrm’s Blog recaps three privacy lawsuits that failed in the courts this past week. One of the unsuccessful cases (Hickey) has previously been mentioned on this site. And while I covered Van Morrison’s successful privacy case against News of the World, it seems that he was not successful in a second similar action against the Sunday Independent….
If we protect victims’ identities, what about the accused’s?
Michael Bachelard reports on an issue in Victoria that has received attention in many countries: whether those suspected of sex crimes should have the same right to have their identities protected in any media coverage as those who are alleged victims of sex crimes. The rationale for protecting victims’ names and identities has always been…