Out-Law.com has a good article on the controversy over TalkTalk that incorporates Talk Talk’s rationale in claiming that they are compliant with UK data protection laws. Here’s a snippet: “Our view is that this is our network and we are looking out from our network to URLs and websites accessed, scanning them all to see…
Category: Non-U.S.
B.C. Privacy Commish sides with man who lost job over inaccurate data
A man who lost his job when the Ministry of Children and Family Development (“the ministry”) recommended he be barred from unsupervised contact with the youth in a care facility has had his privacy complaint upheld by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Robert Harrison complained that the ministry took no steps to…
AU: Senate data retention inquiry to be delayed
James Hutchinson reports: Greens senator, Scott Ludlam, will propose a Senate inquiry’s report into data retention and online privacy be delayed when Parliament next sits. The inquiry into the “adequacy of protections for the privacy of Australians online”, headed by the Senate standing committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts, was initially proposed by Ludlam during…
Google’s Schmidt tries to allay German privacy fears
Google CEO Eric Schmidt said on Thursday he understood why Germans were uneasy about the company’s Street View service for historical reasons, as he began a charm offensive aimed at assuaging their privacy concerns. […] Uniquely for Germany, the US internet giant launched a campaign giving citizens concerned about safety or privacy four weeks to…