Most Canadian companies aren’t concerned about data breaches involving their customers’ personal information — even though these same companies report they are collecting and holding more personal information than ever before, according to the results of a poll released today. The poll conducted by EKOS for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada found…
Category: Non-U.S.
Ireland debuts Fone-a-Freetard lottery
Andrew Orlowski reports: A pilot scheme cracking down on copyright pirates is now underway in Ireland. But what’s it supposed to achieve, exactly? After reading the details you may be as puzzled as we are. The experiment is the result of an out of court settlement between the major labels and ISP Eircom last year,…
UAE: Accountant is jailed for secretly filming flatmate
Awad Mustafa reports: A Filipino accountant has been sentenced to six months in jail after he confessed to using an iPhone to record a woman using the bathroom of a mixed-sex apartment. RB, 29, was charged with sexual assault after prosecutors presented video evidence downloaded from his handset showing him placing the phone inside a…
Italy’s Government Tries To Limit Wiretap Powers
NPR had more detail on the situation in Italy re the proposed wiretap bill: In the name of protecting citizens’ privacy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is pushing a bill that would severely restrict police use of wiretaps and impose harsh jail terms on journalists who report the contents of bugged conversations. But free speech…