A Paris court fined the France 24 news channel on Friday for reporting rumours that first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was having an affair with a French pop singer. Judges ordered the publicly-funded television channel to pay 3,000 euros to the singer in question, Benjamin Biolay, after ruling that the coverage violated his privacy. Biolay had…
Category: Non-U.S.
‘Groom-a-Tory’ iPhone app sparks privacy paranoia
John Leyden reports: Mobile developers have expressed privacy fears over a Conservative general election-related iPhone application. The app, launched in February, allows iPhone owners to keep tabs on the Tory election campaign, donate money and review policy areas. It also gives the “ability to telephone canvass friends and report their voting intentions back to the…
UK Gov, and privacy invasion without a safety net
John Lettice has a commentary on the recent breach where Gwent Police sent a reporter from The Register a file with criminal records checks on 10,000 people: In the case of the autocomplete disaster that’s just happened to Gwent Police, the original error wasn’t spotted until The Register told reported it, and was even compounded…
UK police officer faces sack over data breach
A police officer could be sacked after using his work system to track down the man his girlfriend was having an affair with. Nicholas Hallam was suspended from his job with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in December, and has been warned there is a good chance he may not be allowed to return to…