Cory Doctorow writes: In this leaked, six-page email, Richard Mollet, the Director of Public Affairs for the British Phonographic Institute (the UK’s record-industry lobbyists), sets out the BPI’s strategy for ramming through the Digital Economy Bill, a sweeping, backwards reform to UK copyright law that will further sacrifice privacy and due process in the name…
Category: Non-U.S.
European Court of Justice rules on German DPA system
On March 9, 2010, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Federal Republic of Germany’s practice of “state supervision” over data protection authorities violates EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The case, brought by the EU Commission, is a milestone which will force Germany to change the structure of its DPA system and could have…
Mr Justice Eady: ‘The law of privacy is a new creature requiring a terminology and language of its own’
Judith Townend reports: An absence of existing privacy law in England has led to Parliament giving the courts a “free hand” to apply Strasbourg jurisdiction directly, the High Court judge Mr Justice Eady said last night. “There were few established domestic rules to get in the way,” he said. Marking the launch of City University…
Facebook asks: Where the bloody hell are you?
aturner writes on the Brisbane Times DigiHub blog: Do you really want Facebook and Twitter giving away your location? Location-based services have been the Next Big Thing for years, but the boom in GPS-enabled smartphones has really enabled the technology to take off. Both Facebook and Twitter are preparing to jump on the geo-spatial bandwagon,…