A feud in Åkarp in southern Sweden between a cigarette-puffing woman and her smoke-sensitive neighbour has finally been put to rest by Swedish courts. On Friday, the the Environmental High Court made a final ruling that the woman may light up as much as she wants to in her own garden. In its decision, the…
Category: Non-U.S.
Home Office denies ID card hack claims
As a follow-up to the story about the new UK national ID card being cloned in 12 minutes, what does the UK Home Office have to say? According to this story in IT Pro: A spokesperson from the Home Office said: “This story is rubbish. We are satisfied the personal data on the chip cannot…
Complying with the EU Data Retention Directive
Back in April of this year the UK Home Office announced that all ISPs must retain their internet-related communication data for law enforcement authorities (LEAs) to gain access to the information that would help with a criminal investigation. The law, based on the European Union Data Retention Directive (EU DRD) requires ISPs to retain the…
ICO: Putting a value on privacy protection
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has appointed Watson Hall Ltd and John Leach Information Security Ltd (JLIS Ltd) to undertake a three-month research project with the aim of producing a comprehensive business case for investing in proactive privacy protection. The research project – The business case for investing in proactive privacy protection – will explore…