Isobel Sullivan reports: If you’re one of Telegram’s 500 million active users, your privacy may no longer be guaranteed. Last Friday Der Spiegel, Germany’s largest news site, revealed that operators of the messaging platform handed over personal data to the authorities, despite the app claiming that they have never succumbed to such requests. […] While Telegram…
Category: Non-U.S.
Poland Establishes ‘Terrifying’ Pregnancy Register After Banning Almost All Abortions
Julia Conley reports: A new government database tracking people’s pregnancies in Poland is sparking fears that medical data will be used to prosecute women who obtain abortion care in other countries or by getting abortion pills through the mail, and potentially to target women who have miscarriages. Health Minister Adam Niedzielski approved an ordinance last Friday expanding the…
Met police profiling children ‘on a large scale’, documents show
Wil Crisp and Vikram Dodd report: Metropolitan police documents say the force has been collecting “children’s personal data” from social media sites as part of a project to carry out “profiling on a large scale”. The Met says the scheme, known as Project Alpha, helps fight serious violence, with the intelligence gathered identifying offenders and securing the…
Sg: Data Anonymization Tool Now Available
The PDPC has launched a free Data Anonymisation tool to help organisations transform simple datasets by applying basic anonymisation techniques. An infographic that provides guidance on how to use the tool is also included. Access the tool here. Source: Data Protection Commissioner of Singapore