Asha Barbaschow reports: A group of seven internet companies are vowing to stand up for the privacy of its users this week when the United States House of Representatives considers the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020. Mozilla, Engine, Reddit, Reform Government Surveillance, Twitter, i2Coalition, and Patreon have asked four US legislators to explicitly prohibit the…
Category: Online
Grandmother ordered to delete Facebook photos under GDPR
BBC reports: A woman must delete photographs of her grandchildren that she posted on Facebook and Pinterest without their parents’ permission, a court in the Netherlands has ruled. It ended up in court after a falling-out between the woman and her daughter. The judge ruled the matter was within the scope of the EU’s General…
Right to Privacy Extends to Foreign Internet Users, German Court Rules
Melissa Eddy reports: Privacy rights enshrined in Germany’s Constitution extend to foreigners living abroad and cover their online data, the country’s highest court ruled on Tuesday, ordering Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government to overhaul a law governing the foreign intelligence agency. The decision by the Constitutional Court found that parts of a 2016 law governing the…
Startpage private search engine now an option for Vivaldi browser
Eileen Brown reports: Although you can’t make the internet private, sometimes you might wish that your access to it is more private, and your data is protected. Tech companies like Google collect a huge amount of data on you each time you go online. Some feel that this data is invasive and unnecessary and that Google…