Sankalp Phartiyal and Sudarshan Varadhan report: India has asked Facebook-owned WhatsApp to explain the nature of a privacy breach on its messaging platform that has affected some users in the country, Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said on Thursday. A WhatsApp spokesman was quoted by the Indian Express newspaper on Thursday as saying that Indian…
Category: Online
Facebook bans notorious child groomer amid warning to over 3,650 girls and young women who may still be his ‘friends’
Paige Freshwater reports: A notorious child groomer created 26 Facebook accounts to prey on girls and young women, GrimsbyLive can reveal. Louis Kirby manage to gather at least 3,650 ‘friends’ across the profiles as part of his sordid campaign to lure girls into sexual conversations. Hundreds are believed too have been girls and young women,…
Iowa City schools secure funds to monitor students’ social media accounts
Aimee Breaux reports: Iowa City Community School District has secured federal funding to monitor students’ social media accounts for possible warning signs that students might harm themselves or peers. A portion of the $187,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice is earmarked to contract a company to scan social media posts of students in the district. The district received the…
Comcast Is Lobbying Against Encryption That Could Prevent it From Learning Your Browsing History
Joseph Cox reports: Internet giant Comcast is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against plans to encrypt web traffic that would make it harder for internet service providers (ISPs) to determine your browsing history, according to a lobbying presentation obtained by Motherboard. The plan, which Google intends to implement soon, would enforce the encryption of DNS data made…