Zack Whittaker reports: Russia has told internet providers to enforce a block against encrypted email provider ProtonMail, the company’s chief has confirmed. The block was ordered by the state Federal Security Service, formerly the KGB, according to a Russian-language blog, which obtained and published the order after the agency accused the company and several other…
Category: Online
‘Cookie Walls’ Outlawed By Dutch Privacy Officials
Wendy Davis reports: Take-it-or-leave-it privacy policies that require people to accept tracking cookies in order to access a website are illegal, Dutch regulators said this week. “Thorough monitoring and analysis of the behavior of website visitors and the sharing of this information with other parties is only allowed with permission. That permission must be completely free,”…
Facebook Messenger bug made it possible for hackers to see who you have been chatting with
Graham Cluley writes: A security researcher has revealed details of a flaw in Facebook Messenger that made it possible for “any website to expose who you have been messaging with.” Imperva’s Ron Masas, who in the past has identified a bug that allowed unauthorised websites to view Facebook users’ location histories, likes and interests, discovered…
Researchers Develop Tool That Can Pinpoint Android Tor Traffic with 97% Accuracy
Bruno reports: Researchers at the Sapienza University of Rome have developed an algorithm that can detect the activity of an Android app operating through Tor traffic. Notably, the newly developed algorithm cannot give away user-identifying details such as IP addresses, thus it isn’t a deanonymization script. However, what the app can detect is whether or…