Ernesto Falcon of EFF writes: Cable and telephone companies are pushing Congress to make it illegal for the federal government to protect online consumer privacy. When you go online you reveal a tremendous amount of private information about yourself. What you browse, what you purchase, who you communicate with—all reveal something personal about you ….
Category: Online
Anti-doxing bill filed on Capitol Hill
Bryan Schott reports: One Utah lawmaker wants to take action against those who dig up personal information about someone and post it online to intimidate them. Sen. Howard Stephenson, R-Draper, has filed an anti-doxing bill which makes it a second-degree felony if someone posts personal information online, and that information is used to harass someone….
Riseup confirms receipt of FBI warrant and gagging order
John Leonard reports: Riseup, the Seattle-based collective that provides secure online communication tools designed for social activists, has confirmed that it received warrants from the FBI to inspect two users’ emails. Riseup users had warned on social media that the group’s “warrant canary” had not been updated for the Winter 2016 quarter. A warrant canary is simply…
Now sites can fingerprint you online even when you use multiple browsers
Dan Goodin reports: Researchers have recently developed the first reliable technique for websites to track visitors even when they use two or more different browsers. This shatters a key defense against sites that identify visitors based on the digital fingerprint their browsers leave behind. […] The new technique—outlined in a research paper titled (Cross-)Browser Fingerprinting via…