ANI reports: The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear the WhatsApp and Facebook privacy matter on May 12. The apex court, earlier on January 17, agreed to examine as whether Facebook’s access to details of calls, messages, photographs and documents exchanged by the users of WhatsApp violated the citizens’ right to privacy. Read more on Economic Times.
Category: Online
Major privacy case to open before High Court in Dublin
Elaine Edwards reports: A court case with potentially enormous implications for EU-US trade as well as the privacy rights of hundreds of millions of EU citizens, will open before the commercial division of the High Court on Tuesday. Facebook is a party to the case, in which the Data Protection Commissioner has asked the court to refer to…
NRI Loses Case To Remove His Name And Legal Case Info From Google Search
Arunima Bhattacharya reports: There is no reason for creation of a separate legal framework under ‘right to be forgotten’ to delink ‘irrelevant information’ from the Internet, Google Inc told Delhi High Court on Thursday. The submission was made in an affidavit placed before Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva by Google which has contended that even if it…
$5.5M Settlement Approved in Google Cookie Class Action
From the wow-that-will-really-hurt-them-NOT! dept.: Tom McFarland reports: A Delaware federal judge on Thursday gave final approval to a $5.5 million settlement between Google Inc. and a nationwide class of plaintiffs that had challenged the tech giant’s practice of overriding cookie blockers to access users’ internet history information. The payout, preliminarily approved in August, will be…