RAPSI reports that since May, when monitoring began, Russia’s telecom regulator, Roskomnadzor, has identified over 2,500 websites that provide personal data on children in violation of the law. Read more on RAPSI.
Category: Online
Kaspersky Lab “accidentally” defends monitoring of innocent internet users in online article
Graham Cluley writes: Talk about a flip-flop. A bizarre article was published by Russian security company Kaspersky on Wednesday. But you won’t be able to find it on their website now. Entitled “Why we should not be afraid of being watched while online”, the article was posted on the Kaspersky Academy website – a project run by…
Data retention critics alarmed by Australian federal police breach
I noted this breach on DataBreaches.net the other day, but this article in The Guardian is more privacy-oriented, so I’m posting this one here. Paul Farrell reports: Civil rights groups, legal bodies and information security experts have expressed renewed concern about the government’s push to store greater amounts of phone and web users’ personal information…
CA: Campos suspends effort to extend social media privacy to government workers
Joe Rodriguez reports: After success passing a law that bars private employers from demanding social media passwords from employees and job applicants, San Jose Assemblywoman Nora Campos has suspended efforts to extend those protections to government workers. “We have decided to the park the bill for the year,” Campos spokesman Steve Harmon said this week….