Edvard Pettersson reports: Apple, Google and Microsoft have joined an effort to eliminate the dozens of cumbersome — and risky — passwords people need to access the many websites and apps they depend on for services, work and recreation. The three tech giants announced their support Thursday for a common “passkey” standard created by the…
Category: Online
Google fights doxxing with updated personal info removal policy
Sergiu Gatlan reports: Google has expanded its policies to allow doxxing victims to remove more of their personally identifiable information (PII) from search engine results starting earlier this week. Removing doxxing content (contact info shared online with malicious intent) aims to protect the victims’ privacy and substantial risks of identity theft, financial fraud, and, in…
U.S. State Legislative and Industry Self-Regulatory Efforts to Fill Gaps in Children’s Online Privacy
Hunton Andrews Kurth writes: On April 19, 2022, the California state legislature and an industry self-regulatory group each separately took steps to enhance online privacy protections for children who are not covered by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), which applies only to personal information collected online from children under the age of 13….
Friday musings: Do better Twitter
Over the past week, I’ve been contacted by a number of people. Some have contacted me to say that they see what has been going on with the harassment and threats I have received and they are touching base to make sure that I am okay (I am, thank you). Some have contacted me to…