From WhatsApp previously threatened sanctions against users who would not accept the company’s new terms of use with weaker privacy protections, but backed down late Friday after a coalition of groups from around the world protested. Burcu Kilic, digital rights program director for Public Citizen, released the following statement in response: “Thank you for stopping what you…
Category: Online
‘Apple is eating our lunch’: Google employees admit in lawsuit that the company made it nearly impossible for users to keep their location private
Tyler Sonnemaker reports: Newly unredacted documents in a lawsuit against Google reveal that the company’s own executives and engineers knew just how difficult the company had made it for smartphone users to keep their location data private. Google continued collecting location data even when users turned off various location-sharing settings, made popular privacy settings harder…
Google says it won’t build Privacy Sandbox backdoors
Saqib Shah reports: Google is attempting to assuage concerns that it will somehow bypass the privacy-friendly rules it’s introducing in place of third-party cookies in Chrome. With the changes expected next year, the company recently told apprehensive advertisers that it will be beholden to the same techniques it is imposing on others. “We’ll be using these [Privacy…
China authorities name 105 apps for improper data practices
Zen Soo reports: China’s internet watchdog said Friday it had found Bytedance’s Douyin, Microsoft Bing, LinkedIn and 102 other apps were engaged in improper collection and use of data and ordered them to fix the problem. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said that the 105 apps violated laws by excessively collecting and illegally accessing…