Susan Hennessey writes: During the recent panel event at the Hoover Institution on using data to protect privacy, I had an interesting exchange with Laura Donohue of Georgetown Law, which I’ve been mulling over ever since. I had made the argument that, in discussing information sharing and privacy, it is important to differentiate between different types of…
Category: Misc
UK: The Angela Wrightson case and youth anonymity in the media
Sam Brookman writes: The Angela Wrightson case has not been far from the headlines in the last few weeks. Two teenage girls, both now 15 years old, have been convicted and sentenced for her brutal murder. Last week, our law column covered the issue of contempt and the reporting restriction which prevented media organisations from…
Article: Linking Users Across Domains with Location Data: Theory and Validation
Chris Riederer, Yunsung Kim, and Augustin Chaintreau of Columbia University, and Nitish Korula, and Silvio Lattanzi of Google Research have published an article. Here’s the abstract: Linking accounts of the same user across datasets – even when personally identifying information is removed or unavailable – is an important open problem studied in many contexts. Beyond…
Police State America wants everyone to carry their birth certificates to the bathroom
Joe Cadillic writes: Last year, multiple states have pushed bills requiring people to “prove” their gender before using a bathroom. Some of these bills encourage people to report on each other and offer a cash reward for finding someone in the “wrong” bathroom! North Carolina is the first state in America to create ‘bathroom police’. The new law enacted in March, bars people from…