John Danaher writes: You have probably noticed it already. There is a strange logic at the heart of the modern tech industry. The goal of many new tech startups is not to produce products or services for which consumers are willing to pay. Instead, the goal is create a digital platform or hub that will…
Category: Misc
Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin: Privacy needs to be default, not option
Mark Halper reports: Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin has a wake-up call for the world’s digital citizens: Beware of the tech giants lurking behind your screens and keyboards. Falque-Pierrotin—current head of France’s CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty) and the “Article 29 Working Party,” a group of European Union data-protection advocates—believes we are sleepily handing over personal data in droves without…
Covington Webinar: The EU General Data Protection Regulation – What’s Next and What It Means For Your Business
From Covington & Burling: As we recently covered on this blog, on June 15, the Council of Ministers of the EU reached a long-awaited ‘common approach’ on a revised text of the proposed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Covington will be running a webinar on July 1, repeated on July 2 to accommodate attendees from different timezones, at…
If the Empire in Star Wars Had Big Data
Dan Solove wrote this in May, but because I’m not on LinkedIn, I missed it, it seems. . . . the Empire would have won. A search of records would have revealed where Luke Skywalker was living on Tatooine. A more efficient collection and aggregation of Jawa records would have located the droids immediately. Simple…