Cindy Cohn and Nadia Kayyali write: EFF is honored to have renowned security technologist Bruce Schneier as a member of our board and a collaborator for nearly 20 years. But even if we’d never met him, we’d still be incredibly excited about the release of his new book, Data and Goliath. Schneier has been providing detailed analyses of cryptography, big…
Category: Misc
“No bill at all would have been better than this one -” NY Times on President’s Privacy Proposal
From a New York Times editorial on the draft privacy bill circulated by the White House: … The draft bill released by the White House on Friday only vaguely reflects those ideas and is riddled with loopholes. It seems tailored to benefit Internet firms like Google and Facebook and little-known data brokers like Acxiom that have amassed detailed profiles…
These ‘privacy glasses’ make you invisible to facial recognition
James Trew reports: You’re going out with friends mid-week, and you don’t want the boss/significant other/parole officer to find out. But it’s a birthday celebration, and Facebook’s auto-tagging the pictures your buddies upload like a dirty snitch. The first piece of advice: never “friend” your parole officer. The second? Maybe grab a pair of these…
Three Bad Ideas in the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights
Bob Gellman writes: March 5, 2015Version 1.4The Obama Administration released its Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights (CPBR) on a Friday afternoon (2/27/15). In Washington, the late Friday press release is a classic way of trying to avoid attention and comment. The privacy community in general did not like the bill, with some calling it a…