Thanks to Danielle Citron, who reminds us that the 2013 edition of Dan Solove and Paul Schwartz’s Privacy Law Fundamentals is out now. And it’s not exactly Gangnam style, but check out their promo:
Category: Misc
Partisan politics, Wednesday edition
Senator Rand Paul did something noteworthy yesterday – he delayed John Brennan’s confirmation as director of the CIA with an old-fashioned filibuster to make a point about the use of drones for targeted killing of Americans on U.S. soil. For almost 13 hours – with some quick breaks while fellow Senators helped him out by asking…
Web-connected cars bring privacy concerns
Craig Timberg reports: Cars will soon be so linked into wireless networks they will be like giant rolling smartphones — with calling systems, streaming video, cameras and applications capable of harnessing the unprecedented trove of data vehicles will produce about themselves and the humans who drive them. The battle over who can access all this…
Bad laws would hurt good drones
Productive day for Ryan Calo. Here’s another article by him, this one on CNN: An Alitalia passenger jet pilot said he saw a drone over Brooklyn on Monday. Whether it’s true or not — the Federal Aviation Administration is investigating — we are going to be hearing more and more about drones in American skies….