From Concerned Privacy Advocates, Internet Activists, Journalists & Other Organizations: Skype Division President Tony Bates Microsoft Chief Privacy Officer Brendon Lynch Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith Dear Mr. Bates, Mr. Lynch and Mr. Smith, Skype is a voice, video and chat communications platform with over 600 million users worldwide, effectively making it one of the…
Category: Misc
Privacy invaded… and for what?
The General Petraeus- Paul Broadwell – Jill Kelley – General Allen scandal in the media has died down, but it took a tremendous toll on four individuals and their families- and for what? General Petraeus resigned after news of his past relationship with Broadwell went public, and General Allen’s character and conduct were called into…
Obscurity: A Better Way to Think About Your Data Than ‘Privacy’
Woodrow Hartzog and Evan Selinger write: Facebook’s announcement of its new Graph search tool on Tuesday set off yet another round of rapid-fire analysis about whether Facebook is properly handling its users’ privacy. Unfortunately, most of the rapid-fire analysts haven’t framed the story properly. Yes, Zuckerberg appears to be respecting our current privacy settings. And, yes, there just…
Has Texas gone totally surveillance-loopy?
I couldn’t understand why a regular reader from Texas sent me a link to an article about fining residents if they didn’t clean up their dog poo. After all, that’s the case in many towns and cities by now and didn’t strike me as newsworthy. But then I read the news story and my jaw…