Despite all the advanced notice, I am still not ready for Christmas and my family’s Christmas traditions. But not being ready seems to be part of our tradition – or at least that’s how I rationalize this. I wish all my readers a day filled with laughter, a loving family, and good friends. And of…
Category: Misc
Op-ed—A plea to Google: Protect our e-mail privacy
Julian Sanchez (@normative) has an op-ed over on Ars Technica that argues that Google is uniquely positioned to provide users with strong email encryption and he hopes they do. Has he made them a suggestion that’s too good for them to resist? Read his commentary here. Thanks to Joe Cadillic for the link.
Dear Journalists at Vice and Elsewhere, Here Are Some Simple Ways Not To Get Your Source Arrested
Absolute must-read piece by Kashmir Hill includes helpful tips from Ashkan Soltani on how to protect your source’s privacy – and your own.
Concerns over privacy as NHTSA prepares to push for black boxes in cars
It’s a topic I’ve covered here before, but worth noting again. Associated Press reports: Many motorists don’t know it, but it’s likely that every time they get behind the wheel, there’s a snitch along for the ride. In the next few days, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is expected to propose long-delayed regulations requiring…