Via Orin Kerr at The Volokh Conspiracy: The Michigan Law Review has posted the final version of my latest article, The Mosaic Theory of the Fourth Amendment, 111 Mich. L. Rev. 311 (2012), on its website. Here’s the abstract: In the Supreme Court’s recent decision on GPS surveillance, United States v. Jones, five justices authored or joined…
Category: Misc
Leadership change at W3C’s Do Not Track effort reveals lack of online industry commitment to protect Internet privacy
Demedia writes: As has been reported, Aleecia McDonald from Mozilla will step down today as Co-Chair of the W3C’s Tracking Protection Working Group. Peter Swire, a highly regarded law professor specializing in privacy, will replace her. But this transition is more than just a personnel change. It reflects a “multistakeholder” process in turmoil. In the WC3, leading online industry companies and their trade…
Petraeus and Privacy: Did We Overreact?
For a different perspective on the Petraeus-Broadwell-Kelley-Allen case, read Derek Bambauer’s blog post on Info/Law. Here’s a snippet: I’ll be candid: the privacy community has a growing tendency to cry wolf. That is fine for advocates, but it risks conflating real issues and threats (warrantless wiretapping, use of drones domestically, surveillance for national security purposes domestically) with sensational…
Why privacy matters
Privacy International interviewed Cory Doctorow, Kade Crockford, Jameel Jaffer, Dan Kaminsky, Chris Soghoian, Marcia Hoffman, Moxie Marlinspike, Phil Zimmerman, Hanni Fakhoury and Eli O at Defcon 2012. They’ve uploaded the video: