After 11 days without power and heat, and after days spent on the phone yelling at LIPA, my town, and Governor Cuomo’s hurricane hotline, we got power back last night. When a solitary workman with a truck showed up on my street (I had stayed on the phone for 5 hours until I got through…
Category: Misc
E-Mail Voting Fails Some New Jersey Residents
Ben Smith reports: New Jersey’s last-minute offer of e-mail voting to displaced residents was greeted by concern by security experts, who warn that e-mail offers a fast track to voter fraud. But the system may have another problem as well: County election administrators are, according to anecdotal reports, simply not responding to all requests for ballots. In…
MO: Shaming tactic has some voters crying privacy invasion
Betsy Webster reports: This election cycle has brought a new approach to getting out the vote – using voting records to shame people into voting. Kenny Whetzel was shocked and offended by the mailing he received at his rural Smithville home. It listed his supposed voting record in the past two elections and those of…
Event: Friday, Nov. 9: Harvard Law Review Symposium on Privacy & Technology
Daniel Solove writes: This Friday, November 9th, I will be introducing and participating in the Harvard Law Review’s symposium on privacy and technology. The symposium is open to the public, and is from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at Harvard Law School (Langdell South). I have posted a draft of my symposium essay on SSRN, where it can be…