The publication of topless photos of Kate Middleton sunbathing by some European publications is distressing, to say the least. Apart from the legal issues concerning invasion of privacy, though, there’s a question in my mind about the lack of organized response by consumers who are offended by such publication. Rags publish these photos because they…
Category: Misc
Article: Google and Personal Data Protection
There’s a new working paper up on SSRN by Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius and Bart Van der Sloot. Here’s the abstract: This chapter discusses the interplay between the European personal data protection regime and two specific Google services, Interest Based Advertising and Google Street View. The chapter assesses first the applicability of the Data Protection…
Presentations on the Obama Administration’s “Privacy Bill of Rights” and the Proposed Amendments to the EU Data Privacy Directive
Eric Goldman has a blog post on his presentations on the Obama Administration’s “Privacy Bill of Rights” and the Proposed Amendments to the EU Data Privacy Directive. You can read his blog entry and access copies of his presentations on Technology & Marketing Law Blog.
Biometric Databases and Quantitative Privacy
Danielle Citron writes: The new $1 billion Next Generation Identification (NGI) system is now in its roll out phase. NGI–a joint project of federal, state, and local law enforcement and other agencies — is a nationwide network of databases containing images of the body’s characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris, retina, voice, and face. […] Several privacy…