EFF has been posting a great series of recaps on the year for civil liberties and privacy issues. If you haven’t checked out their summaries, you’ll definitely want to read these: 2011 in Review: Hacking Law 2011 in Review: Search Incident to Arrest and Your Cell Phone 2011 in Review: Defending Location Privacy in Courts…
Category: Misc
UK: Media Law Review of the Year 2011: Defamation, Contempt, Privacy and a Public Inquiry
Jude Townend writes: Lord Justice Leveson has heard his final witness of the year; the Parliamentary recess has begun; the Royal Courts of Justice is having its Christmas break. It’s time to look back at some of the biggest moments in the remarkable media law year that was 2011: Super Injunction spring, phone hacking summer, Leveson autumn and…
2011: The Year in Review
Simon Davies of Privacy International writes: 2011 has been an odd sort of year for privacy. There have been some deeply worrying trends around the globe and yet in some respects a gentle corner might have been turned. Amidst the litany of horror stories there may be better times ahead for some aspects of privacy…
Merry Christmas from PogoWasRight.org
It’s Christmas morning here. One of my kids came home from an overnight shift on the suicide hotline and we all gathered for our traditional Christmas breakfast before my other child headed out to the hospital to work a split shift today. While he works, she sleeps. We will gather later again for Christmas dinner…