Happy Thanksgiving to all U.S. readers! Wherever you are and however you celebrate this day, I hope you have a great time. And now, back to cooking for me as everyone will be arriving this afternoon. This is the first time in a few years that we’ll all be together again and we’re all looking…
Category: Misc
Revealed: How the ALP keeps secret files on voters
Royce Millar and Nick McKenzie report: The ALP [Australian Labor Party] has secretly recorded the personal details of tens of thousands of Victorians – including sensitive health and financial information – in a database being accessed by campaign workers ahead of this Saturday’s state election. In a rare insight into personal profiling by the major…
NSTIC: Not-So Trusted Identity in Cyberspace
The following is a guest commentary by Sheila Dean. Dean is the blog editor for BeatTheChip.org and a non-profit consultant on a variety of civil liberties, human rights and digital privacy campaigns. The views expressed below are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of PogoWasRight.org. You may contact Sheila at contact[at]beatthechip.org or…
Article: PETs and their users: a critical review of the potentials and limitations of the privacy as confidentiality paradigm
An article by Seda Gürses, “PETs and their users: a critical review of the potentials and limitations of the privacy as confidentiality paradigm,” published in Identity in the Information Society, is available online. Here’s the abstract: “Privacy as confidentiality” has been the dominant paradigm in computer science privacy research. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) that guarantee…