AP reports: Hundreds of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebrities, religious leaders and drug dealers have been hiding their investments in mansions, exclusive beachfront property, yachts and other assets for the past quarter-century, according to a review of nearly 12 million files obtained from 14 firms located around the world. The report released Sunday by…
Category: Misc
Senate Republicans move to collect personal info on every Pa. voter at taxpayers’ expense
Candy Woodall reports: State Senate Republicans will collect personal information on every Pennsylvania voter, including the last four digits of their Social Security numbers, as part of their controversial investigation of the 2020 general election. Subpoenas to get that information and more were approved Wednesday in a 7-4 party-line vote by the Senate Intergovernmental Operations…
Privacy news you may have missed
Courtesy of the indefatigable Joe Cadillic: European Parliament Study on Biometric Recognition and Behavioral Detection In Public Places: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2021/697131/IPOL_BRI(2021)697131_EN.pdf How to fix the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act: “Fix those dodgy definitions: emotion recognition and biometric categorization.” https://www.accessnow.org/how-to-fix-eu-artificial-intelligence-act/ ProtonMail Tries To Defend Itself Over Release Of Climate Activist’s IP Address: https://protonmail.com/blog/climate-activist-arrest/ ProtonMail removes “we do not…
20 years later
Remembering that day and the souls lost. Remembering being down at Ground Zero days later with the Red Cross and the look on the faces of the wives of missing firefighters as they steeled themselves and hoped against hope. Remembering talking with the parents of my young patients as to how to talk to them…