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Category: Misc
Interview With Tim O’Reilly on Reasons to Give up Some Privacy
Marshall Kirkpatrick writes: This Spring, Tim O’Reilly was surprised to find himself defending Facebook’s changes to its privacy policy. “There’s enormous advantage for users in giving up some privacy online and [so] we need to be exploring the boundary conditions,” the founder of O’Reilly Media and international technology thought leader wrote. “It’s easy to say…
NYC launches program to help combat mortgage fraud
William Sherman reports: You can help catch a thief. The city has launched a new program to immediately notify property owners when scammers try to steal their holdings with a phony deed or a bogus mortgage or lien. The Finance Department will send the alarm by e-mail, text message or letter to any owner who…
Article of Note: The Boundaries of Privacy Harm
Ryan Calo has an article on SSRN that may provide food for thought for many readers. Calo, M. Ryan, The Boundaries of Privacy Harm (July 16, 2010). Available at SSRN: Just as a burn is an injury caused by heat, so is privacy harm a unique injury with specific boundaries and characteristics. This Essay…